Actually- there's not too much to find out. Every year, the VT fitness department

Despite my dead legs, around 7:30- I'm going to go get chinese food. My roommate gets back tonight, and that's what we're doing for dinner- and probably watching a movie (we are sooo exciting) I meant to call Momz today- I missed her and need to say "hi" today I bought her a present, and I can't wait to mail it to her. Damn post office was closed by the time I got there-- shoe shopping took precedence...

My only reasoning is this:

<-------- After shoe shopping- and present buying, I did normal errands (boring ones like dry-cleaning and grocery shopping) and then returned home, where I flopped on the couch. Only to get up a minute later when the phone rang- cursing because that was when my body decided to hate me. (I clearly am not in shape- an month off will do that to you!) Ever since doing semi-exciting things (shoe shopping) arriving home has been rather boring- I didn't see my cute neighbor, I took out the trash, and potted the new plant.
Ahem, well I threw out the dead plant and replaced it with a fake one... what? One of them is still alive (I had three plants at the beginning of the year) and this new one is very convincing- it totally looks real.
I'm just really bad at keeping plants alive, I'm not exactly sure why- I follow the directions, I water them regularly... and yet, they die. Sad, really- because "they" say that to know when you're ready for a relationship: something like if you can keep a plant alive for a year, then you get a pet. keep a pet alive for a year, then you are ready for commitment.
I'm not sure if that's true, and I definitely made up the time-line, but it's something to that effect. Kind of a scary thought though... I've only got one chance left for the plant part (Mr. Last chance is standing on the other side of the room right now- one brown leaf mocking my only chance to move on to the next stage. I will get a dog- but I'll have to keep the plant alive for almost two years before I can get one- according to the stages... though that doesn't really matter since I've decided not to have a relationship until returning from Europe. Now plug that all into the limited calculator in my head- that means I can have a relationship... ah, after I graduate college. That's a pretty long time to wait before being able to use my soon-to-be-acquired cardio striptease skills. Damn. At least I'll have a long time to practice.
Watch out Future Boyfriend: My striptease skills will blow your mind! And frankly, I don't think you're ready for this...
hahahah! you will DEF have to show me some striptease moves.
did you actually get those black boots?!?!? WHERE!? i want some. now. i looked for those boots (especially flat ones) in europe and the time before i went and i couldnt fine any but you found some really cute ones!!!! damn - with those and your striptease you'll have so many european boys to bring home! :):):)
omg please don't meet your sole mate there. i mean, i would love for you to but then that would mean either he has to come live here or YOU will leave to live there. i don't think i could handle you that far away. hahahah! nah, i'm just kidding. please meet him!!!!!!
anyways. i love how obsessed we are with blogging. i really enjoy it, thanks to you!!! and i love reading yours. :-D otay. bye!
ps i wrote "sole" mate. i've got shoes on the brain!! HAHAHAHAHA. i do mean "soul" mate of course!
pss please let me know how to add the goodreads thing to my blog!
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