My obsession? Dogs. I want a dog so badly. I can't possibly adopt one until I get back to Blacksburg a year from now. Since I'll be overseas next semester and then D.C. after that, there's no way I can actually be responsible for a pet (we're talking anything but plant...). For some reason, though, it's absolutely all I want. Probably because I know I can't get one until then.
Why? you ask. I'm not completely sure, but I think it has something to do with the fact that dogs love you unconditionally, once you own a pet you are responsible for its life, and in return they trust you with their lives- and give you love and devotion in return.
I guess I just want something that will love and trust me- I've always had a dog (or my family has) up until our last dog Nova passed away (he was a great pyrenees).

Lately, it's been dog withdrawl, and has even gotten so bad that I've taken to doing breed matching quizzes online... you know "what breed is right for you?" Instead of daydreaming of extremely hot guys, I daydream of extremely hot guys with dogs. So just for your benefit, I googled "hot men with their dogs" (a surprising lack of hot men with dogs actually came up):
One of my favorite things about dog breeds is the bizarre names that come up, such as schipperke, borzoi, or vizsla.
I happened to find one that is not only adorable, but of course, pretty rare and found mostly in France and it's home country Germany.
Meet the Hovawart- the blondes are similar to Golden retrievers, but they are also found in black and tan, and black. I'm absolutely in love with the Black and tans.

(No, no , and no... "wait one more year"--> new mantra, repeat endlessly)
Although, in the vein of relationships- maybe I should put those off too until I return from my traveling (not that there are any to put off at this point, but a girl can dream, right?) I wonder what it says about me if going without a relationship for that long is infinitely easier then not having a dog for that long...
Which brings me to my second point for the evening:
He's Just Not That Into You. The book that is now a movie (comes out in feb.)

Thanks guys, but I think I'll stick to googling hot men with their dogs (especially since I can't have either until next year!)
that guy with the dog is so hott.
yea he is... but what do you think happens when you search for "hot guys with dogs" Imean, at least ONE hot guy with a dog has to come up!
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