I mean, seriously- three glasses of sangria, 1238429837.43 cubes of cheese, and three movies in a row. Alone. ...positively wild.
So other than watching The Inheritance, followed by The Pacifier, followed by the end of What A Girl Wants, and now Honey, I have done the laundry and finally vacuumed the townhouse.
On another note- I did promise to regale you with any boy exploits- and despite my desperate attempt to avoid any and all male contact (actually- any contact at all would work) today I was unexpectedly visited by a male visitor. (that's riiiight- and I was lookin hot with my exercise pants tank top and huge hoodie, no makeup and bright red, extra fuzzy red slippers... oh wait.)
So, dish- right?
Ok- I'm doing possibly the dorkiest thing in the world- totally zoning out on the couch listening to an audiobook (extra loud, because I'm basically deaf) I hear this knock on my door, and you better believe I am expecting absolutely no one (remember? no contact with anyone or anything?) I hit pause, and opened the door. My neighbor, we'll call him Harrison, introduces himself- he lives next door, isn't there a lot (sound familiar) but his Internet isn't working- his car is in the shop in Roanoke (miles and miles away) and his phone fell into a pool somewhere (he's on the swim team). Well, I couldn't possibly let the poor guy stand outside in the doorway all 6 feet of him, especially in 30 degree weather!
So despite regretting the decision to skip the mascara this morning- I've got an actual, in-the -flesh guy in my house. seriously. I should flirt or something- be cute, ask him some questions- be entertaining....
You know what I did? I told him to sit down- lent him my phone and computer and left him to battle with NTC while I switched the loads and put on some tea. Smooth. At least I did a little sympathetic listening, and a minimal amount of chatting- then finally sent him on his way with my wireless password and told him to stop back by if there were any problems with it. Damn- opportunity missed?
About three hours later (clearly, there were no problems) I settled down on the couch with my first glass of sangria.
So the moral of our story- next time I should answer the door in jeans and a Wonderbra...then I'd be sharing my sangria.
Now, I'm not condoning throwing yourself at random, cute neighbors seeking internet access, but I believe I addressed my guy drought in previous posts.
I think my latest strategy at combating this will be to drop the wall just a little bit and let it go. I'm always so damn polite and careful that I must just come off as the ice queen. Hell, I must be sending some kind of signals, because I repel guys I like better than a hairspray blowtorch.
How is it that the people you don't want to get involved with always end up liking you- when the ones that you do want to notice you, always seem to be looking the other way.
Alright. Mission: Tell him how you feel.
small complications... Everyone is always saying, "what's the worst that could happen?" the only problem with this is that the worst thing that could happen is that they guy that you like, the one who makes your stomach flutter and your cheeks go red-- that guy could tell you (nicely, of course) that you're a great girl, but he really only wants to be friends with you. Of course, after this happens, he'll stop talking to you...it's space you know? he's just giving you time. Bullshit. It's too awkward to talk to you, and every time he does talk to you he's going to think you're obsessing over him. So quickly- a friendship, or even a friendly acquaintance will become nothing. That's pretty bad.
I'm not saying I don't understand why you should take those chances- of course I do. I get the whole "He'll never know how you feel about him if you don't tell him," but maybe I'd rather not take the chance. Or maybe I don't know how I feel about him. OR maybe I haven't even met him, and all of this talk is just about missed chances.
Either way... you should watch Honey, it was awesome (or maybe it was only awesome after the fourth glass of sangria)
1 comment:
how are the big jugs of sangria and zin? did you clink them together and break them? it's a common occurrence...really. :):)
about that boy - ummmm was he cute!? ad as you said earlier in a message to me "gET IT!" so i expect you to next time, ya hear? hahahahahah oh man. i'm completely confident in ur ability to be cute and amazing for a guy and he will fall in love with you. don't look too hard!
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