Surprise, surprise- someone is shirking their journal duties once again. (shirking?....)
So because of negligence on a grand scale- this post actually finds me a couple weeks past new years and BACK at school [I know, last post I was just back at home]. Just think of it as going warp speed over the whole break. It was only filled with sci-fi watching parents, invisible sister, sam's club, and kitten-babies.... Clarify?
My parents come home from work- eat dinner and snuggle up on the couch for a sci-fi watching marathon that ends in them lightly (and in my dad's case not-so-lightly) snoozing to a background of battlestar galactica, stargate, the legend of the seeker, or occasionally (and surprisingly NON sci-fi) CSI. This happens every night.
My sister on the other hand, practically doesn't exist. We saw her a grand total of maybe 18 times over a month. Why? you ask- why do we never see this elusive member of our family? She has a boyfriend. "Understandable" you say. "Unforgivable!" I say. Now it may be my serious "lack-of" that makes me bitter and grudging, but maybe it's the fact that 9 out of the 18 times we saw her he was over, and the rest of the 9 times? she was holed up in her room iCHATTING WITH HIM. I mean, sure I love the guy too, but really? must you be in contact with him EVERY second. That can't be healthy.
I'll skip over talking about work. That was actually boring. weird people are starting to bore me- gasp?
My kitten-babies need probably the most clarification, as they are indeed some of the oldest cats I have ever met. well, one is. My family has three cats:
one a black and white senior citizen with one deformed ear and the personality of a happy demon (sly),
I guess they are no longer my cats, but more like my parents cats- but the whole process of breaking off and starting to belong to yourself is confusing and possibly painful- so we'll avoid that for now, and call them "my cats". At home (at my parents house??), I dedicate a good deal of time to petting, loving, fattening, and otherwise annoying my three monsters. In return, I receive cuddling, comfort, bed buddies, and bad breath kisses. Not bad, eh? In fact, it's just this return that I'm desperately missing already upon returning to blacksburg. It was horrible sleeping without my little bed buddy last night (aka mittens, or who I affectionately refer to as "Cute-face")
I am destined to become the cat lady...
I normally don't talk about it at all in public forums such as THE INTERNET. But only this morning I woke up and realized two things: #1. I barely have any boy stuff at all (juicy would just be a flat out lie) #2. No one reads this blog. (hardly constitutes "public forum")
Sooooo. I may begin some little stories in which I describe my life in that department. (heads up though, if I sleep with 'cute-face' aka MY CAT, I'm pretty sure you can guess how short these segments will be.)
What to expect: me documenting my cute guys sitings. (and you wondered my I never talk about it- DEPRESSING, that's why)
So now that I'm home (my townhouse/actual residence) I've got to motivate myself to do everything [hard. I am not easily motivated.] Which means I have to wake up at a decent hour. Take care of domestic things (I have got to vacuum). Get my butt showered and dressed. Go Shopping (food is nonexistent if you've been away for a month). Finish pre-semester work (crap). All without the motivation of bad-smelling kitten-baby kisses. I guess the only motivation I have is that I may meet a cute guy... then I'll have something to blog about.
1 comment:
So I'm still totally excited about you going to Riva and ME COMING TO VISIT YOU! omg. me and u in Europe...can u imagine!??!
I also wanted to say that no matter how much you love sly - i will continue to not like her. sure...i love her, just because she's like a sister to me. but i totally dislike her. hahahaha! i adore mittens and i think felix has a crush on me but SLY GRRRR if she sits on my head ONE MORE TIME while i'm trying to sleep...i'll die.
you forgot to mention my kitten-babies over break in that post. they're basically yours, too! :):)
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