Wow. I love that life is constantly turning around.
I'm sitting on the couch today, and I couldn't be happier. Well, actually that's wrong- I could have everyone I love squeezed on the couch with me and a dog at my feet and
my baby in my lap.
...You can't have it all.
Anyways, Yesterday was awesome. I talked to Bleighton approximately every two hours, and I looked cute (for once), and it started out kind-of bad, and then got soo much better!
First, I knew I would look cute on friday, and I was excited. I actually left my morning class after about 15 minutes, because there weren't enough seats for everyone to sit in (I didn't get a seat) and I've already taken this class once and I still have the notes. I could have done yesterday's lesson with my eyes closed. So I left. I just slunk (slinked?) out the back door and proceeded to run the 154,9w3,846,095,645 (yes, w.) errands I had to run.
I picked up the dry-cleaning (really...not that exciting I promise!)
I stopped by the clubhouse.
I had them come fix out toilet and our kitchen lights.
I cleaned the downstairs.
I cleaned the kitchen and did the dishes.
It was great actually. and just when I thought it would be the worst day EVER, because I couldn't find my drawings that I needed to do this project? I found them! with the help of my ex-desk neighbor (he's now in a different studio, so he doesn't sit beside me anymore). I actually had a good conversation with my professor, and then I found out that the competition we have to do is optional (so I won't be doing it).
I went home right away, well I stopped by FoodLion to get salad stuff for dinner (and saw the cutest puppy ever sitting in a car), and then went home, because Morgan and I were having the boys over for dinner and board games.

We were about to start making dinner (French Chicken with Orange Terragon sauce) when someone knocked on our door. I was actually on the phone with Bleighton at this point (remember approx. every 4 hours) and I opened the door to see our
Cute Neighbor standing there... with a plate of brownies. No. Way. Is this guy for real? did he really make us brownies? yes. and he says, "I made these for you because I remembered that you were talking about them (damn, I was talking about brownies?! what a fatass) and I wanted to say thank you for lending me your internet and phone."
That. Is. Adorable. After he left I did remember the brownie part of our conversation---> he was apologizing for not introducing himself or talking to us before (ever), and I was reassuring him saying, 'it's not like we ever brought you brownies or anything'. And that was all. To remember that small a part out of our conversation was really cute. It made him even more cute really. Morg still hasn't really warmed up to him (His mom visits him sometimes, and they always (ALWAYS) take the parking spots in front of our house. She said yesterday his mom was here again and they were delivering a mattress to him and taking up four or five spots (guess where!)
Now, this doesn't really make me that mad (I'm quick to forgive and forget when someone gives me chocolate). Morgan thinks he likes me. I hope so.
Well, after all that excitement, we make dinner and the boys had perfect timing, because I was just dumping the sauce on the chicken when they got there, and we had a great dinner and dessert (I was the only one who ate dessert), then, I took

my glass of sangria to the living room and we played board games for the rest of the night. Conversation was great when we weren't shouting answers during Mad Gab, or laughing over definitions in Balderdash. It was so much fun that I finished the sangria and started in on the white zin. (Damn, I love you Bleighton)
After the games, the boys went home and Morg and I promptly went to bed (It was about 2a.m.) I can't even remember falling asleep, I was that tired. The last thing I remember was brushing my teeth.
I love Saturdays, because I really (thankfully) have nothing to do. (actually a lie, but I schedule nothing to do on purpose, or put of what I have to do in order to have nothing to do...)
I woke up at 1, and had Chocolate and Milk for breakfast, and plopped myself on the couch until Morg woke up. Now that she's awake we're off to the Animal Shelter, because I just cannot stay away from animals any longer.
No, I'm not getting one (unfortunately) but since I can't have one, I've decided to volunteer whenever I get a chance to go and exercise the dogs, and socialize the cats. I'm really excited-- this is my first time going, and I can't wait. I'll definitely blog about it (probably tonight or tomorrow) so you'll get all of the fluffy, stinky, slobbery, lovable details.
...Especially since I deliberately have nothing to do!