I almost feel like I'm made of glass, I've been tiptoeing around myself because I feel like I might break at any moment. It's a weird feeling. I'm not sure what it's all about, but hopefully I can go back to being steel or iron in a couple weeks.
Morgan and I had a total girl's night last night. It was studded with movies, pjs, cookies, gabbing and more movies. We went to see He's Just Not That Into You last night. And I am EXTREMELY happy to announce that it was SO good!
That's a movie I will probably end up buying and watching 12,984,713,457,394,579,548 times. I should never have doubted the ability of Hollywood to make a sucky/repetitive non-fiction book into an extremely cute Love Actually-esque story. The whole movie is so... well, cute. Of course, every storyline ends exactly the way I want it to, but that's what I went there to see. I did not go to see reality. Although, for most of the movie, it was really realistic. The girls acted like embarrassing, dimwitted, denial-obsessed morons, and the guys completely represented every facet of the word 'deuchebag'. It was easy to think "oh, well that was overdone." but honestly? That. Is. What. We. Do.
I'm glad the ending was able to stick the band-aid over my now slashed hopes and dreams.
I walked out loving the movie. Only this morning did I realize it did still have the same message overall as the book: An annoyingly straight forward "No, Girls. Just, no."
My favorite/most loathed Realisms from the movie:
1. You are the Rule, Not the exception. [Read: almost every time, he doesn't like you. Guys won't change for you. Ever. You live in Southwest Virginia not Hollywood. Check the area code one more time, then forget about him]
2. Stop Looking at your Phone. If he didn't call, he's never going to. There isn't a problem, as much as I really, really want to call him- it's not worth it. We dissect our every action and what it means, they don't. If he likes you, he'll call.
3. Random Guys you Meet are NOT going to Fall in Love With you Immediately. This doesn't actually happen. In fact, a lot of time- they don't remember your name. They probably aren't going to be intrigued in one look.
4. Apparently, Everything your Friends Tell you Is A Lie to Make you Feel Better. unfortunately, I think this might be true. We all do it. I do it, I know other people do. We are incapable of telling our friends the truth if it hurts. Often the truth is along the lines of: He just got tired of you. He met someone prettier. You were a bitch. Of course, there are other parts to this, but really?

5. Guys Are Assholes. This is Not OK. Don't give it up anyway. He won't change. If guys keep getting girls by acting like assholes, why would they possibly act any other way? Why are the majority of them like this? Because we will still date them even when they are pieces of crap.
Alright, so basically this is exactly what the book says. It says, "Wait until someone loves you for you! You're worth it!" Right. Even though these are all valid points. I'll still be Gigi from the movie. I know that this all makes sense, and logically I can't even argue with it. But I want to be the exception.

I will be alone forever.
This is completely possible. But I won't be alone, not really. I won't have an amazing guy in my life maybe, but I'll always have my friends and family who love me more than life. I'll have a puppy/dog. I'll will live my life.
I still hate that damn book.
1 comment:
yesss, in the mountains. We've painted this scenario already!
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