I'm guessing that this was added in some sort of attempt to get the bill stonewalled in the senate.
Some republicans were like, "Let's add a fucking water park, who'd pass that shit?"
What they didn't think of, was how much Democrats love water parks. Yea, sucka.

I have a couple questions though... Where will this water park be? who will be able to enjoy said water park? Will it have a politically-oriented theme? When will the water park open? Construction costs?
Basically: I want to go to a politically themed water park. How boss would that be? (does anyone even say 'boss' anymore...I am a true child of the 90s)
So besides water parks and crusty old republicans who, I'm sure, look horrible in swimsuits (as opposed to their svelte Democratic counterparts) I've other news.
Clearly, I'm still alive.
This girl knows how to spin shit like no other.
After spending large amounts of time walking across campus in the perfect weather we had here yesterday (Mid-sixties, sunny, and un-windy, magically) I was able to gather my thoughts, some perspective, and finally talk to B-baby.
And I decided that it really didn't matter that I didn't finish my project perfectly. My professor knows what's been going on in my life yesterday. I've been missing whole weekends (when we arch students really get our work on) to be home with my family, and he knows that. So when I confidently spoke about my piece of crap that was sitting beside me in Pin-up (aka presentation, or design charrette to those not in the biz) I was able to wow him into realizing all of the time and thought I'd put into my crap-ass project.
It was impressive.
Because although my project did suck a little, I knew everything about it. Plus, my initial design was well-thought-out, carefully executed, and well-drawn. It was only the model that sucked.
Moral of the story? I'm allowed to freak out online, publicly... it makes me feel better. That and the fact that one girl didn't have hers done, but she had way less than I did and didn't even try to present. (Yaaaaaaay I wasn't the worst.)
p.s. I still have my pride, etc.
I'm off to my Building Structures: Steel class in a bit. (I love shear and moments!) Then I'm off to the woodshop... that project due thursday? it's a lamp I'm designing. It's gonna be totally boss. Yea, that's right. Boss.

1 comment:
I don't know how I feel about that. Haha! Just kidding, that's great! I want more blog friends.
People do no use boss anymore, so I am glad that you are. However, on the office after the superbowl, Micheal was saying how much he liked the word boss. For example: "Those shoulder pads are boos." "Dude, that's so totally boss." ... "It's what made me want to become a boss."
DIE OF LAUGHTER HAHAHAHA! That was a good episode. I need to get into watching shows weekly again - I'm just too forgetful.
I don't forget you ever, though. I love talking to you everyday. I sooo totally enjoyed our text convo for three hours this morning. LOVE. We do need to phone chat later!
I love you more than anything.
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