Thursday, September 4, 2008

"She works hard for the money" and other stuff too

So here I am at work, right after work.
Sound weird?

Well, that's been the whole semester really. I talked about how it felt: confusing and hard at first, fun and interesting second. But I haven't talked about work yet. I have two jobs- the first is a run-of the-mill work-study in the architecture branch of the library, my other job is teaching Zumba classes as a fitness instructor here at school. Both time consuming, both fun in their separate ways- both pay crap.

But that's where I sit- watching the Giant's game in live feed, sitting at the Library desk, doing nothing really except trying to explain to some poor first year kid how to sign up for a printing account in the print lab that's not even in the library, but in the other part of the building... I know it's intimidating to go here and not know how to use anything, but common sense is good too. Believe me, you'll need that.

This has been a ridiculously long day- its all I can think about! I've been up and going since 7:30 a.m. I won't be done until at least 11:30pm. I guess that's bad planning on my part, but that's just how it worked out I guess. I will almost definitely pass out at 11:15 right when I get home, even though I should do at least a little homework. We'll see- last time I fell asleep on the couch within 10 minutes of getting home. Life is rough!

To be completely honest- life is wonderful. Somedays it's a lot, but that's a good thing right? To feel, to breathe. If nothing were difficult- it wouldn't be worth living, we'd have nothing to work for- no reason to try. Sure, it's nice to have easy days- but the hard days are the ones that make the easy ones seem so nice.
I'm incredibly blessed to be at an institution studying one of the oldest arts in existence, looking at it in new way, discovering. There are days when nothing can replace that. I spend every day around people- helping them, talking to them, having intelligent conversations, debates. People I love, and it adds something to my day- even just to watch, to figure out how they work, how they interact with the world and each other. When I think about it- this probably is the best time of my life. I guess it's just hard to remember that when you've got two projects and a couple quizzes breathing down your neck when you realize that you're going home this weekend and you won't have time to do anything... whoops- again with the bad planning.

Note to self: Buy a Planner

At least the Giants won. Poor Daddy, he's a Redskin's fan. We normally have an epic standoff/football watching extravaganza for the NY/WASH game. This year I was at school- at work even, so it was all I could do to watch it online. Bummer. Good thing Eli was on top of the game tonight- Love you "Baby Blue"!

At least I've spared the old man the embarrassment of losing... again.

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