I have been remiss in my attentions to you, dear blog.

Though I have to admit, I've never been good at keeping journals for long periods of time- or being consistent in the frequency of the entries. I wonder what that says about me?
If it says commitment issues... I wouldn't be the least bit surprised.
Enough apologies and explanations. It's recap time.
I'm absolutely one of those fad people. I realized that recently, upon completion of the "Twightlight" series. Yes, I read it. Not only did I read all four books within one week- I loved them. When I was younger, it was so important to me to resist pop culture; to cling fiercely to my individuality.

I can honestly say that I love that. I love the dynamic aspects of our culture- that moving, breathing passion that so many people take for granted. Sure, maybe some of that passion could be redirected into things other than what level of crazy Britney is this month- but think of how awful our world would be if no one cared about... anything at all.
Main point: Read the Twighlight series; it's fabulous.
I'm back at school now. First week done. Work over. No more pirate kids. I'm completely moved in, and I almost have everything I need for classes. Although I really, really think I need an upgrade for my brain. All the new programs are running a little slow right now...
The first half of the week was hard- I almost didn't make it through Wednesday- I have a brutal schedule, and for some reason, meeting new people seemed really difficult this year.

Unfortunately classes weren't the only thing to dissappoint in the beginning of the year. First football game today: Total crap. I'm not going into details because it was painful. Just know that I think Sean Glennon is a trash bag. But he's still the quarterback (for now) and I respect him. Most of the time. Well... in the first half.
I guess this shall lead into the rest of the semester... and I guess that at this point, all I can say is: "Bring it on, baby."
Hopefully I start a fad.
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