Second, the first word is interchangeable, so that the phrase can be fitted out for any situation. For example: "Why the Hell (would you do that)?" "Who the Hell (are you)?" "Where the Hell (are we going)?" See? Quite versatile.

Now, I know exactly what you're thinking: "Every generation has their fads." Yes. I would whole heartedly agree, and I would even argue it ties into human nature- but we take it to a whole nother level. For the sake of using a ubiqitous example, take Harry Potter. Starts out as a book, our generation catches on- next thing you know: explosion. Harry Potter went from book to obsession to movie. "So what," you say, " that doesn't prove anything- look at Lord of The Rings" Well, Look at the time period. The world loved Harry- had to have him so very quickly he became not just a character in a book, but an international figure and a movie star. It's the timeframe that's spectacular. Lord of the Rings was written in 1955. The movies came out in 2001-2003. That's quite a time span. Need another example? One word: iPod.
We are Generation M: really called, "The Millennial Generation" Defined by wikipedia as : the Google Generation, the Myspace Generation, the MyPod Generation, the iGeneration, the "connected" generation, and the Neo-Disney Generation.
Conclusion: we push things. Our generation is all about stuff; it's all about what everyone else

Maybe it's just because I am a part of our generation that it seems so much more obsessive than others. Maybe back then, in eras like the 60s and 70s, fads were just as bad. Sure everyone had Mod stuff, everyone had go-go boots- just like, sure, everyone has uggs; but I honestly believe that we've really taken it to a new level- instead of just having it, instead of just being fads, we've turned them into obsessions. There's really no other way of putting it.
With all that said, I will readily admit to loving all of the aforementioned obsessions. After all- I am so def my generation.
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