In other news, today was Pay Day! Which just makes me feel good regardless of the fact that I cannot spend any of the money that I labored for- a penny saved is a penny earned, right? Luckily for me- I have the best (non-cat) Friend in the world! Bleighton took me out for a movie!
One of the reasons that I love seeing movies with Bleighton, is that we both have the same, very discerning taste in movies. Our criteria involves pretty much humor and a really cheesy storyline. Ok, so we both have the same horrible taste in movies- but that makes it way more fun; we love pretty much everything we see, and we only see movies together that we can tell we are going to love.
Someone who once tried to convince me that my taste in movies could be improved, asked me why I loved movies that didn't make you think. I wasn't sure what to say- but I think there is something a lot more complicated to humor than meets the eye. Everyone knows someone who thinks they are hilarious and isn't... It takes talent to make dumbed-down, ridiculous lines actually laughable. Lets put it this way: If my brother said the same things or did the same things, I wouldn't be laughing. But my Brother isn't Steve Carell (too bad, because then he could hook me up with tickets to South America). Lesson Learned? While I really do enjoy movies that "make me think" I also love those movies that don't for once- I'm always thinking; they're my 182 minute breaks!

So all of that late night excitement brings me back here: cuddling with Mittens on my bed- still laughing about the Russian Farmers with the Cellphones.
My advice? Get Smart... and get a Cat.
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