What A Week. It was Hot.
One of those head spinning, everything happens, and you're sitting down but you feel like you're about to fall out of the chair. My head is literally, well actually it's not spinning at all- it just feels like I've ridden that fair ride that sucks you to the wall, and I can't get off... minus the nausea, of course.
Monday began with an ending actually-I'm single once again, by choice. But why is it that even when you know you're doing the right thing, you feel like the worst person in the world? I guess it's just guilt- I've made someone feel bad, and essentially lost a friend; because we all know that even though we agreed to "still be friends" we probably won't talk for a while, if at all. I guess that's the sad part about it... because I never want it to turn out that way... it just does. More on that in the
Letters.WARPED TOUR was Tuesday!

Every summer, Bleighton, Phoebe and I make sure we go to warped tour. It's our summer event. A whole day positively packed with music that we love, we go to hear bands we love; find new bands we've never heard of; get tons of useless stickers, fliers, and buttons; and get ridiculously burnt. This year was no exception. Even in line, it did not disappoint: there were PETA people with petitions- people urging you to register to vote- band members awkwardly hawking their wears and coercing you to wear headphones that thousands of other really sweaty people have worn before you- OH, and some guy with a trench coat that had fangs (Probably there to see Lamb of God or such...). Our main objective for the day was to see
Forever the Sickest Kids (FTSK) and others of course- but Bleighton has been obsessed with them for about a year now, and of course Phoebe and I came to love them equally. (To Music Critique Mode!)

FTSK, as we will refer to them now (as it is vastly shorter), are a truly amazing example of how to do pop/rock right: there are hooks, riffs, harmonies, and catchy choruses. An added bonus are those catchy verses that sound difficult to sing at first- the words move fast, right into the next line. Bleighton calls them "raps", and although they are clearly not rapping, I can see her argument. The best part about pop/rock is not lyrics that are so hard to interpret that you have to think about it for an hour and then proceed to google it, but they're lyrics that, on the right day, maybe while you're driving down the road- thinking about just how bad you want someone, or how incredibly dumb your ex is- they hit the right spot. The lyrics all come together and you want to sing them as loud as you possibly can- so loud that it's a good thing the windows were up when you pulled up at a stoplight next to that kid you went to highschool with...
We stared out the day with
The Academy Is,then went straight over to see Jack's Mannequin (any of these guys you can check out on Purevolume.com, Myspace, or GOOGLE THEM!) We proceeded to explore the booths- frantically searching for the FTSK booth- because they weren't mentioned as playing on any of the main stages... this was alarming. "Ernie Ball stage maybe?- they've got to be playing today!!" Well, sure enough they were. Fabulous, the day was getting even better. Cinematic Sunrise was next up (they were pretty good, energy a little low- sound was good though). We caught snippets of all kinds of bands while hanging out in the shade out of the 230 degree sun, some impressive, some not so much...

Then it was time for FTSK- Ernie Ball: one of the smallest stages there... not a good idea- we got there 20 minutes before they went on and the crowd was already pretty big- hmmm, well they
are pretty well known... 5 minutes before the set starts the crowd is huge, and we're talking out-of-control huge. There are people all the way back to the fence and around to the closest booths. None of them were disappointed. I had very high expectations- all met. Their energy was crazy- FTSK delivered well. Sound- exactly like on record, Entertainment value- Huge. An unexpected plus was on a more superficial side: these guys are HOT! Not what I expected, to be honest, but nonetheless... FTSK made the day- even if we were so dead tired that we missed Relient K because we all plonked out in the pavilion listening to bands we had never heard of... ever. Missing Relient K kind of sucked- but we caught the Higher (slightly disappointing), were introduced to the highly entertaining 3OH!3, met Madina Lake (not my style- but amazing stage show). Later on- upon venturing back out, we saw Cobra Starship (good!), We the Kings (last set before we left- great one), and etc. Most the day we were so tired, and it was so hot that we just ended up people watching, consensus? Over half of the girls there had chemically burned off their hair from too much color and "girl jeans" are made for girls... really, they are- and despite what some obviously may think- pants
are made to go over the arse. In fact, the reason you even wear them? go figure. But- another observation: the lead singer of Every Time I Die is gorgeous. A little bit crazy and screams a lot, but still great.
After Dragging our heels around for a little while longer we made it to Sonic for dinner. I really don't like fast food. We made the drive home though, in one piece (surprisingly... I was driving). I think that everyone else was asleep by the end of it- though bleighton really gave it her best and I think lasted until the last hour or so. All in all: it was a complete day well-spent (5:30 am - 11:45 pm), and felt good.
So good I spent the next two days recuperating. It was fantastic- I've finally repaired that wicker loveseat!
P.S. Zumba really did kick some major butt this week- it was awesome!! I almost had a hernia during the Merengue, but it was worth it.
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