I think I may be mentally unstable sometimes. In a good way of course.
Please pardon any lapses into inappropriate behavior.
Thank you Kindly,
Alright, with that out of the way. I have been completely lazy since the semester ended. I finished my kick-ass model for studio then peaced out. Mentally. Actually, I missed a lot of meetings etc. because of my physical absence as well. My weakness Mother Nature? Nice weather.
And Oh, Baby did she deliver it. The last couple weeks have been interspersed with rain and gorgeousness, and some days a mix of both. With the weather so unpredictable so was I, I met everyone imaginable's family, said goodbye to a lot of friends for the summer (and next Fall-- Woah Europe), spent entire days packing up the contents of my house, and the rest outside reading.
I am such a book junkie. Entire days spent with a book. I don't even care- I'll return to reality eventually... No, this (the Internet/ my blog) is not reality-- at least not entirely. Yes, maybe it's my reality. But I like to think of it as a stepping stone to reality.
For all you know I could be telling you lies. I could be a 36 year old man living in San Fernando, California with a penchant for freezee pops.
I'm not ...But I could be.
So while I've officially established that this may or may not be reality, I've also been debating what to eat for lunch, seducing my semi-hot brownie bearing neighbor, and going to the library.
I will consider my options here with you:
--> Lunch: I need to eat something, and soon. I have a free personal pan pizza coup from Pizza Hut, I have chicken in the fridge that I could make, and I need to go get some milk. What to do? Pick up something at the Lion? Make that Chicken?? Pizza???

--> Neighbor: I've mentioned Harrison before, he lives next door to me- brought over brownies once, asked morg and I to come over for basketball and wine at 3 AM once. Yea, him. Whenever I see him I always contemplate seduction.
Cons: he lives next door and that would be extremely awkward when I decide to never see him again post-seduction, his family (including G-rents) is here for his graduation, and he comes home ridiculously drunk on occasion and pukes in the yard we share (I find this disgusting-- at least I make it to my toilet... for the most part).
Pros: it's the end of the year and I'll be moving out completely in four days, he's a swimmer (enough said on that), he makes damn good brownies, and he has a pretty good smile.
--> Library: I've got some books to return.

So while I go make these life decisions, you can continue on as if nothing happened here.
Nothing to see folks, nothing to see.
1 comment:
ur cute.
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