Working at the local buy-in-bulk superstore, life is certainly anything but boring.
It still surprises me sometimes, the things that people buy.
A man came through my line with 5 bottles of wine and his prescription... now I hope there were no plans to mix the two, I mean really? not even some cheese with that?
Other than all of the quirky (and sometimes lovable) members that come through, it was work as usual- sort of, as there were inordinate amounts of people before Christmas, getting all the last minute gifts I suppose. Then today, just two days after Christmas, no one. Today the club was close to empty for the majority. Not that I'm complaining... though I have to admit that standing around doing nothing does get a little old eventually.
Christmas though, was glorious- Full of family and christmas parties (and in some cases, a mix of both). The Holidays started off almost immediately after I got home with the annual Family Pre-Christmas party- most everyone made an appearance, all dressed up. There was wine and food, some caroling. Our family does a startling rendition of "The Twelve days of Christmas" including interperative movements. We all ended up matching (even Kwan, my sister's boyfriend) and made quite a nice family picture (minus the fact that my mom can't take a photo to save her life, and kind of looks like she's been hitting more than just the wine...)

Weirdly enough, we matched like this all week- black and red on Christmas eve, for Midnight Mass and the annual pre-Church party- and then red, white, and dark green for Christmas day. Go Figure.
At least this year no one was sick for Christmas- in previous years at least one person in my immediate family has been too sick to really do anything for Christmas, and ends up hiding upstairs during the festivities and far enough away not to infect our 234235.5 relatives that come over for Christmas Day dinner and celebrations.
Another happy holiday moment- my mom decided to go easy on the wine this year at the annual pre-church party- avoiding last year's shakey walk down the isle and giggling in the middle of the service. Oh, mother. Love her to death, but sometimes it's scary when looking at her is like looking into the future. Genetics is a funny thing- I wonder how much it influences personality, or if I'm just subconciously a clone of my mother.
I'll post pictures of Christmas soon. Hope it was a fabulous one for everyone!
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