Basically, this weekend was just too exciting to pass up chronicling.

My best friend Bleighton came down from JMU this weekend, to visit- some girl time. She came down without Jon for once. They're almost inseperable since they started dating, so it was wonderful to hang out just the two of us. We had incredible amounts of ridiculous fun.

Bleighton got to my house Friday evening and we went to a spontaneous cookout thrown by a couple of my fellow architecture kids, so she got to meet one group of my friends. The weather was so nice we just had a bonfire, a couple of hotdogs and hamburgers, and then a random band that played; someone's friend knows this know. Surprisingly they were good! Unfortunately, the cops came after the third song and gave our hostess a little talk about noise violations, and then left. Called that one. I mean, live band- outside- 10:00 at night... really? I feel like the cops are a given.
Cookout was still fun, we left with our stomachs full and our laughing muscles sore.
Good food + good company = Great evening
Saturday I took Bleighton to the Cascades. It's a fantastic trail in the Jefferson National Forest, about a Four mile hike to the falls. We took along one of my roommates, Katie, and our friend Ben. The trail was great -lots of adventures...

Saturday night we all went out to a benefit party. Such shennanigans... Let's just say I danced so much my abs hurt in the morning! The evening finished up with the delivery of two pokey stix to our house and then the incredibly speed at which they disappeared.
Woke up in time to walk down to Carol Lee's and get the best donuts in the world, and laugh at pictures from the previous evening.
All in all, a very successful weekend! Bleighton left couple hours before I had to work, and I miss her already! Bye, bye B-baby!
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